Monday, February 28, 2011

Let's Go Green!

You will be able to find eco friendly, Planet friendly, Green product resources on my blog.

I have recently gone "Green" My husband introduced me to Green when he took a class on "Going Green" For his past work. I always thought about green products but i was hesitant on trying green products for the simple facts of

..Green products are higher then other products.

..Green products probably won't clean as well as other products.

..Green products are limited compaired to other products on the market.

I bet you have either heard someone say or said it yourself at least 1 of the above.

Don't worry. I was all of the above.

After my husbands class i started reaserching Eco friendly products and i was amazed at all the resources. Not only do you have planet friendly cleaning products you have clothing, makeup, perfumes, and much much more!

You are probably still saying to yourself Yeah, But the product prices are higher then regular products. Next time you are at your local Wal-mart, Walgreens, Or local market compaire green products next to the products that you already buy. I bet you that they are almost or the same price as the products you buy. And so what if they are a few cents or a dollar more. Think about all the good you are doing for OUR planet.